This site's main feature is fonts created by me, Dan Zadorozny. Choose from the menus to the left and to the right and enjoy your stay. Fonts are for the PC and are free for noncommercial uses, but if you like the fonts or use them, please e-mail me and let me know. For commercial use of a font, please refer to my Commercial Use page to see how you can help me keep this site up and going.
It's Missing Pieces!
February 3, 2025.
This weeks new font is "Nodulus." Nodulus is a sci-fi font inspired by the logo of Nerf's discontinued Modulus line of toys. With its sharp points and stencil-like missing parts, Nodulus is a true sci-fi gem that brings a nice sense of minimalism. Most of the letters have alternate letter forms between the upper and lower cases and the font family comes with 24 different variations (each with an extended Latin character set). Both TTF and OTF formats are included in the ZIP file.
A Comic Book Paradox!
January 23, 2025.
Today's new font today is "Splashpoint." Splashpoint is a comic book fan-font modelled after the logo of DC's Flashpoint series starring everyone's favority speedster, the Flash! While the base font is not italicized, there are italicized versions for all of the variations. The total font family includes 25 different variations, with each including an extended Latin character sets (that include accents and the Euro). Both TTF and OTF formats are included in the ZIP file.
First Font Release of 2025!
January 13, 2025.
Happy New Year everyone! The first font release of 2025 is "Vortex Dancer." Vortex Dancer is an elongated, wideded sci-fi font made up of a number of geometric angles and very few curves. With a semi-bold heft to it, Vortex Dancer is a sleek techno font that comes with 28 different variations (each with extended Latin character sets). Almost all of the letters have an alternate letter form between the upper and lower cases. Both TTF and OTF formats are included.
Also being released is Version 1.1 of "Airstrike." Released in 2013, Airstrike is my most downloaded font ever, but had a number of flaws and bad lines/curves. This update is just a "patch" for now to address the most egregious errors until I can work on a full re-do of the font. Both TTF and OTF formats are included.
Last Font Release of 2024!
December 30, 2024.
The new font today is "Deep Data." Deep Data is a squared techno font with a mix of alternate upper and lower case letter forms (almost all letters have an alternate letter forms between the cases). Minimalistic in design, Deep Data is bold, tight and great for any number of sci-fi oriented projects. The font family comes with 24 different variations (each with extended Latin character sets that include accents and the Euro). Both TTF and OTF formats are included.
Upper & Lower Case Subfamilies 2!
December 15, 2024.
Today's new font this week is "Rapid Response." Rapid Response is a heavy super-bold font for a sense of authority and strength great for tiles, headings and anything you want to be sure stands out. Rapid Response consists of 2 subfamilies: All-Caps and true Upper and Lower-Case. Between the 2 subfamilies, are a total of 45 different variations (all with extended character sets). In the All-Caps group, many letters have alternate letterforms between the upper and lower cases.
I'm finally starting to wind down on spacing updates for older fonts. Below are updates to the following 3 fonts to decrease the letter and word spacing:
The new font this week is "Joy Children." Joy Children has a squared-curved hybrid design to be a basic font with some nice details to distinguish itself. Joy Children consists of 2 subfamilies: All-Caps and true Upper and Lower-Case. Between the 2 subfamilies, are a total of 38 different variations (all with extended character sets). In the All-Caps subfamily, many of the letters have alternate letterforms between the upper and lower cases. Both TTF and OTF formats are included.
For spacing updates, below are updates to the following 10 fonts to either increase or decrease the letter and word spacing (and a number of them include some extra versions):
This week's new font release is "Legacy Cyborg 2." Legacy Cyborg 2 is a derivative font of Legacy Cyborg, one of my personal favorites. Legacy Cyborg 2 is not an update but an actual new font family that has different dimensions then the original. But it's still bold (just not as bold) and sharp. The font family includes a total of 20 different variations and each version has an extended Latin character set that includes accents and the Euro. Both TTF and OTF formats are included.
On spacing updates, below are updates to the following 10 fonts to either increase or decrease the letter and word spacing (and a number of them include some extra versions):
This month's new font release is "Hibernal Sentry." Squared and strudy, Hibernal Sentry stands guard as a straight-forward, imposing typeface even though it's not as bold as many of my other fonts. A number of the letters have alternate designs between the upper and lower cases to mix and match and the font family includes a total of 21 different variations (each version has an extended Latin character set that includes accents and the Euro). Both TTF and OTF formats are included.
On spacing updates, below are updates to the following 14 fonts to either increase or decrease the letter and word spacing (and a number of them include soe extra versions):
Today's new font release is "Fawkes." Fawkes is an all-caps wide techo font with heavy serifs and a number of sharp, angular lines in the character set. Most of the letters have alternate designs between the upper and lower cases to mix and match as you prefer. The font family includes a total of 19 different variations, and each version has an extended Latin character set (including accents and the Euro). Both TTF and OTF formats are included in the ZIP file.
On spacing updates, below are updates to the following 14 fonts to either increase or decrease the letter and word spacing, or to correct a recent updated font that went too far:
This week's new font release is "Xeno-Seeker." Xeno-Seeker is a tall comic book font with a sci-fi theme (that's also a bit retro) tht has broad vertical strokes and thinner horizonal strokes. A number of the letters have alternate designs between the upper and lower cases to mix and match as you prefer. The font family includes a total of 26 different variations, and each version has an extended Latin character set. Both TTF and OTF formats are included.
On spacing updates, below are updates to the following 14 fonts to either increase or decrease the letter and word spacing, or to correct a recent updated font that went too far:
Today's new font release is "Delmoto." Delmoto is a super-bold techno font inspired by the old Delorean Motors logo, with a number of the letters having a more uncommon design to them. In addition, most of the letters have alternate designs between the upper and lower cases to mix and match as you prefer. The font family includes a total of 18 different variations, and each version has an extended Latin character set. Both TTF and OTF formats are included.
On the Space Wars front, I realize I may have been a little too aggressive in tightening the word spacing on a number of fonts. Sheesh, will this ever end? Below are updates to the following 17 fonts to either improve the letter and word spacing or to correct a recent updated font that simply went too far:
This week's new font is "Crimson Destroyer." Crimson Destroyer is science-fiction font with characters that have rounded corners, funky serifs and partial cut-aways to create an almost alien look and feel. Most of the letters have alternate designs between the upper and lower cases to mix and match as you prefer. The font family includes 20 different variations and each version has an extended Latin character set. Both TTF and OTF formats are included.
And of course, more Space Wars. Here are updates of new versions for the following 21 fonts to to improve the letter and word spacing:
The new font release for today is "Furian." Furian is a sleek, futuristic font with a true upper and lower case letter set. It's a wide and rounded font, somewhat bold, and looks like it just leapt back from the 30th Century to say hello. There is a total of 19 different variations in the font family, and each version comes with an extended Latin character set (which includes accents and the Euro). Both TTF and OTF formats are included in the ZIP file.
On the Space Wars front, here are updates of new versions for the following 20 fonts to to improve the letter and word spacing:
More releases for the spacing wars! Here is the list of the 16 font families I've updated again to fix issues of word spacing being too wide (except for Force Commander, which increases the letter spacing):
Today's new font release is "Cyberform." Cyberform is a fan font based on the logo of the Transformer's Cyberverse animated series. Bold and blockish, Cyberform is a sci-fi font that's solid and strong. Most of the letters have alternate forms between the upper and lower cases to mix and match as you prefer. There is a total of 19 different variations in the font family, and each version comes with an extended Latin character set. Both TTF and OTF formats are included.
And of course I'm still fighting on the letter spacing font. Here are font updates of new versions for the following 12 fonts to tighten the word spacing:
Introducing "2nd Amendment Brands", the third 2nd Amendment dingbat font making it an actual series of dingbats. 2nd Amendment Brands includes over 80 logos of different firearms manufacurers and relared companies. Several of the more popular brands, or brands with more than one logo, have multiple glyphs. Use of a character map program, such as Windows' Character Map, will be helpful in exploring and using these fonts.
And of course, more Space Wars. Here are 11 more font updates of new versions to tighten the word spacing:
This week's new font is "Warriatron." Warriatron is tall, techno-styled super-hero font. Great for portrait oriented projects where the horizontal space limited, Warriatron is a very legible font at larege to mid point-sizes. The font looks best italicized, though there are straight versions for each variation, for a total of 23 fonts in the family (each with an extended Latin character set). Several letters have alternate letter forms between the cases. TTF and OTF formats are included.
On the spacing war front, here are font updates of new versions for the following 12 fonts to tighten the word spacing:
It's been a while, but finally, today's new font is "Quicky Nick." A fun and cool super-hero/adventure themed font, Quicky Nick draws its inspriation from an old Nick Fury logo briefly used by Marvel in the 80's. Quicky Nick is an italicized font, but there are vaious slanted versions, including straight versions. The family includes a total of 21 variations and each has an extended Latin character set. Several letters have alternate letter forms between the cases. TTF and OTF formats are included.
Also being released is Version 2.0 of "Boomhauer." More than just updating the font's spacing, Version 2.0 of Boomhauer modifes a number of the upper case letters to make them solid without the upper-right horizontal cut-out. I realized that a number of words would look better if certain letters did not have the cut-out. This has been done across all 17 versions of the font family and both TTF and OTF formats are included in the ZIP files.
And the war on spacing continues with the release of new versions for the following 12 fonts to tighten the word spacing (except for Future Forces, which I've updated again to increase the spacing:
The new font this week is "DiaClone." DiaClone is a a straight forward, all caps sci-fi font based on the more recent Transformers' logo for their "Generations" line of toys. "Diaclone" was the original Japanese name for what became "Transformers." The font family includes a total of 22 different variations (each with an extended Latin character set) and many of the letters have an alternate letter form between the two cases. Both TTF and OTF formats are included in the ZIP file.
Also releasing new versions of six fonts to improve and tighten the word spacing:
My ongoing war continues as I combat a large number of my fonts that have their word spacing waaaay too wide! I look at these fonts and wonder what the heck I was thinking when I decided that the spacing looked right and it was good to be released. Here is the list of the 8 font families I've updated again to fix these issues:
Today's new font release is "Drover." Drover is a brand spanking new western-themed font that's perfect for all your cowboy and cowgirl needs! Bold and strong, Drover gets the job done. The font family includes a total of 18 different variations for different looks and effects (each with an extended Latin character set that includes accents and the Euro). Plus, both TTF and OTF formats are included in the ZIP file.
Also being released is Version 3.2 of "Dodger" and Version 1.2 of "Future Forces." As with other font updates lately, these updates tighten the word spacing across all versions of the existing font families. Both TTF and OTF formats are included in the ZIP files.
Power Rangers, GO!!!!
February 15, 2024.
Introducing "Dynamic Trooper", a fan-font modelled after one of the the logos of the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers! Dynamic Trooper is an italicized font, but there are also "straight" versions within the font family, which includes a total of 19 variations. In keeping with the original logo, the upper case letters taller than the lower case ones. Also, a number of the extended characters include taller and shorter versions of those in the base character set, such as numerals for example.
Also being released is Version 1.1 of "Delta Phoenix" and Verion 1.1 of "Front Runner." Version 1.1 of each font updates and tightens both the letter and word spacing across all versions of the respective font families. Both TTF and OTF formats are included in the ZIP file.
Can you hear me now? Good!
February 4, 2024.
Today's new font is a dingfont - part font, part dingbat. "Hola Mota" has retro, electronic styled letters on the screens of the older mobile phone designs, before the advent of smart phones. The upper case letters are solid while the lower case ones are outlined, giving you two different looks in each version of the font. In total there are 18 different versions in the family - check out the "Ergodynamic" (shown below) and "3D" versions! Both TTF and OTF formats are included.
Also being released is Version 1.1 of "Tras-America" and Version 1.1 of "Quasar Pacer." Each updates the word spacing across all versions of the existing font families, which were way too wide. Both TTF and OTF formats are included in the ZIP files.
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