Nick Fury Icons

Just waiting to be used on your desktop, here are 102 icons related to Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD. The set includes Sgt. Fury icons, icons of the supporting cast and insignia icons for both SHIELD and Hydra (not all pictured below) - Download

Here's the second set of icons - 170 great little snapshots of Nick (not all pictured below) - Download

Yet another set of 100 new Nick Fury icons (not all pictured below) - Download

The 4th set of 100 new Nick Fury icons (not all pictured below) - Download

And now a special set of icons - 90 icons of Sgt. Fury, Dum Dum, Sharon Carter, Val, Nick Fury logos, SHIELD logos, Howling Commandos, parodies of Nick, the 1602 version of Nick and others (even 6 new Punisher icons). Here's the supporting cast icons for the true fan (not all pictured below) - Download

The 5th set of 100 new Nick Fury icons, this one maybe being my favorite batch (not all pictured below) - Download

The 6th set of 100+ new Nick Fury icons, including supporting cast such as GW Bridge, Val, Dum Dum, AIM and Hydra (not all pictured below) - Download